Custom-Tailored Solutions to Increase Efficiency and Profitability


We discover, design, and create solutions for our clients. These solutions typically represent themselves in tools and products to help increase efficiency, organization, and functionality. We believe no solution is too small to make an impact and that thoughtful quality product sourcing can be just as impactful as new product creation.

Designing a Solution for You

At MIDCO, we believe no solution is too small to make an impact, which is why we are so passionate about discovering, designing, and creating solutions for our clients. Our objective is to offer goods and tools that will improve your business’s overall efficiency, organization, and sustainability.

Quality product sourcing can have an impact just as significant as new product creation. With the help of our vast network of manufacturers, suppliers, product engineers, and industry experts, we can skillfully and reliably find the product you are searching for as well as create a unique product to match the demands of your business. Simple changes such as size customizations, new labeling, or improving material quality can significantly improve your workflows, storage, and functionality.

We Serve Your Industry

We design and source solutions for businesses all over the world within Agricultural Research, Agricultural Production, Bio Conservation, Cannabis & Hemp, Forestry, Farming, Horticulture, and University programs. Our expertise is rooted in staff experience and awareness of the current climate and pressures facing these industries. 

Check out our case studies to learn how we’ve supported clients in related industries and how we can also contribute to the success of your business.

Discover Your Solution

Are you having trouble finding something on the market or want to tailor a product to the needs of your business? Let’s Discover Your Solution together. If the product you’re searching for doesn’t already exist, one of our solutions specialists will work with you to find it, and if it doesn’t exist, we’ll create it.

Building a Quote is Easy with MIDCO Global

To get started, browse our product catalog and add items to your quote. When you’re ready, submit your quote and one of our solutions experts will get back to you shortly!

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